Frequently Asked Questions


1Once I decide to Go OrangePay - how long before I can accept credit and/or debit cards (i.e., my account is live)?
Once your merchant account is approved, which usually takes between 15 minutes and one business day, you will be able to accept cards as soon as you receive & plug in your terminal. If you are an E-Commerce merchant you will be able to start processing cards as soon as the account is approved.
2Why Go OrangePay?
We pride ourselves on Honesty, Integrity and Consistency. These values form the foundation of our company. When you GoOrangePay and sign up to our services, you can rest assured that you will know exactly what that means. No catches. No fine print. No rate hikes after a period of time. We want you to embark on the OrangePay journey for life and that’s what is important to us!
3How do I Program and Set up my terminal?
Your Terminal and all equipment will be delivered to your door ready to operate. Simply plug the device into an electrical socket, and connect the terminal to your phone/ethernet line and you’re all set to go! Our terminals are shipped with simple to follow instructions in case you get stuck. Alternatively, our 24/7 Support team is ready and waiting to help you with any questions you may have regarding installation or operation of your terminal. CLICK HERE to be connected with a live agent.
4When do I receive my funds?
OrangePay provides all our merchants with next day funding. Just batch your payments and you will receive your money in your account the next business day. Batching is a simple process that allows you to review the day’s charges and then submit!
5Do I need to open a separate checking account to process credit card payments?
Absolutely not! All funds are credited and program charges are debited from the checking account that you provide with your application.
6Are there any tax requirements for credit card processing?
Processing credit cards requires additional IRS reporting in the form of a 1099-K — a tax form presented to the IRS and used to report your processing volume. OrangePay is required to report to the IRS the volume in payments processed by businesses each year. We provide 1099-K copies to your business annually.
7What is a chargeback?

A chargeback is when a cardholder disputes a transaction they don’t recognize or believe was done in error.

The most common claims for chargebacks are:

Incorrect amount charged to the cardholder.

Item not received.

Items or services not as described.

It is important to note that the chargeback system is run by the card brands (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, etc.) and not OrangePay.

If you receive a chargeback notification via email or in the mail, please respond as quickly as possible. There are often limitations and if the response date has passed, you may be left with little recourse to dispute the chargeback. Let us know if you need any assistance with this process and we’ll be happy to assist.

8What is a virtual terminal?
A virtual terminal is an online portal that can be used as a backup solution for a standalone terminal or as its own processing solution. With a virtual terminal, business owners with a merchant account will be able to process their customers’ credit card payments online from any computer or mobile device that has an internet connection. Click below to find out about OrangePay’s virtual terminal.
9How do I obtain supplies for my terminal? Who do I contact and What is the cost?
OrangePay’s support team is available 24/7 and are ready and waiting to assist you. A live agent will attend to your request and ensure that the process of obtaining supplies is simple, smooth and easy.

Cash Discounting FAQs

1What is the OrangePay Cash Discount Program?
The OrangePay Cash Discount Program is a way for you as the merchant to eliminate your Credit Card Processing Fees. It’s the latest method of implementing a service fee to credit card paying customers, while giving a discount to those who pay with cash.
2What type of businesses qualify for the OrangePay Cash Discount Programme?
All US businesses that accept credit cards can gain from joining our programme. For example, nail and beauty salons, mom and pop shops, fashion retailers, car retailers, veterinary clinics, pest control businesses, professionals like doctors or lawyers, dentists, accountants, etc…
3Is it legal to offer a Cash Discount Program?
Yes, our programme is 100% legal in all 50 States. Federal regulations have recently changed in favor of business owners like yourself and as of 2011, The Dodd-Frank law prohibits payment card networks such as Visa and Mastercard “from inhibiting the ability of anyone to provide a discount for payment by cash”.
4Is this the same as surcharge?
No it is not, a surcharge is a checkout fee or extra fee charged by a merchant when a customer pays with a credit or debit card. Surcharge doesn’t offer a discount to cash paying clients and is only legal in 46/50 states.
5Is this a new concept?
No, in fact, the cash discount concept has been used for decades in Europe and even in the USA! Gas stations and governmental offices have been offering a discount to customers paying with cash. However, due to recent changes in federal credit card regulations this programme is now available to all US business owners.
6Will my customers be upset by the fee and want to go elsewhere?
Don’t Worry!! Studies have shown that 99.2% of people won’t think twice about using their credit card, even if it means paying a little extra. That’s less than 1 out of 100 customers! The convenience of using credit cards often outweighs the extra cost.
7If this programme isn’t working for me, can I cancel?
If you are having a bad experience with the cash discount programme you are welcome to get in touch with our 24/7 support team and we will immediately switch you back to traditional processing.
8Is the Cash Discount Program complicated?
Not at all, we provide all the support you could need (including 24 hour live support). All this makes it easy to set up and manage. We are here every step of the way to make this transition as easy and hassle free as possible!
9What does it cost me to join the OrangePay Cash Discount Program?
The OrangePay Cash Discount Programme will eliminate all your credit card processing fees. However, based on your turnover they may be some small monthly payments which covers our proprietary technology to process these transactions. However, these monthly fees are minimal which makes the program a much more affordable alternative than paying credit card processing fees.
10What do I need to do to make sure I’m using this program effectively in my business?
We are here to guide you through every step of the way to ensure that this programme is being effectively used in your business. You don’t need to change any of your prices! Once you have signed up all your store prices become cash prices and we will send you specially designed signage to inform your customers that marked prices are cash prices and all credit card transactions will now carry an additional 4% fee. Our proprietary software ensures that the fees are calculated automatically and no adjustments will need to be made.
11Can I use my own equipment or do I have to use OrangePay’s Proprietary Equipment?
We have found that the equipment being used by most companies is outdated or not compatible with calculating the cash discounts. We will send brand new equipment and these fees will form part of your minimal monthly fees.
12If I sign up do I have to sign a long-term contract?
No not at all!

Do you have a question that wasn’t answered? We are ready and waiting to assist 24/7